Senile Museveni’s bogus jokes that result into loss of innocent lives. 

At the helm of a political crisis in Uganda, tyrant Museveni joked that his soldiers had beaten up opposition figures thoroughly and properly but it was not beating, hundreds of lives were lost yet the Ugandan octogenarian senile Museveni celebrated their death. 

Fast forward, May 01, while delivering his Labour Day address, the Ugandan dictator joked about high prices of commodities on market and his joke affected the only affordable food. 

A sack of cassava used to go for Shs80,000 before Senile Museveni’s awkward joke; however, after his speech, it jumped to Shs120,000 and is now going for Shs130,000 and still shooting up. 

Being a head of state requires utmost soberness, level headed, choosing words carefully, knowing what to say when to say it and how to put it. Tyrant Museveni doesn’t have any of these, this is why his statements result into starvation and death of innocent Ugandans.

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